Market Driven Reorganization
The profit of your company is given by the value that its customers are willing to pay, less the cost of delivering the service or the product.
Some companies do not relate these two items, they eliminate expenses without considering their value generation or seek to increase revenue by increasing expenses at a greater extent.
That is why we organize your company so that each activity generates a value for your client greater than its cost => achieving a higher profitability for you.
It is also important to set prices considering the perceived value. Calculating value as cost plus profit margin has two dangers. In some cases, the price may be higher than what the client is willing to pay and you are out of the market, in others it may be below that value and the opportunity for higher income is lost.
For that reason, it is important to organize the company so that all its structure focuses on generating value. To achieve this, market analysis and customer behavior tools are applied to define competitive advantages, together with modern marketing, organization and costing instruments that allow optimizing the use of your resources.
Tools used in large companies can be adapted to be implemented in small medium size. A plus, strategies tailored to each company are designed and executed, which generates differentiation and greater competitiveness.
Part of the implementation consists of engaging and training personnel to do it right and the application of continuous improvement strategies. The technique offers clear and motivating work objectives, improving the work environment and increasing the productivity of Human Resources.
- Increases the value / expense ratio, that is, its profitability.
- Improve your customer experience at the lowest cost.
- Lower your costs without losing sales, optimize the use of your resources.
- Improve the coordination of the tasks of your entire company.
- A great return on your investment to do this reorganization.
- Improve your sale force performance.
- Optimize your customer loyalty.
Contact us to analyze how you can increase your sales

What Is Customer Experience (CX)? And its benefits (By Forbes Magazine)
Here are some other reasons that show why CX matters in business success:
- A focus on CX can create a culture where employees are empowered and motivated.
- CX can drive stronger business outcomes, especially when attending to full customer journeys instead of individual touchpoints.
- Organizations that can show the correlation between customer satisfaction, growth, margin and profitability are more likely to achieve success in their CX programs and secure larger CX budgets.